The White Barn Therapy Blog

Please choose from the categories below to read relevant blog articles.​

Understanding Therapy

A wide range of useful ideas and exercises to help you maintain good mental health.

Mental Health Tool Kit​

Mental Health Tool Kit​

A wide range of useful ideas and exercises to help you maintain good mental health.

Ideas for Everyday Life

Ideas for Everyday Life

As a therapist, it’s my job to look at life from an alternative perspective. Maybe these ideas will offer you some inspiration.

Mindfulness Hub

Mindfulness Hub

A selection of practical guidance to help you to develop your mindfulness practice.

Deep Self Discovery

Psychological Movie & TV Reviews

For people who really want to explore the depths of their unconscious mind.

Hoarding and De-cluttering

Psycho-education to help you to understand your hoarding. Practical advice to increase your success in de-cluttering.