This work pack will help you to understand the principals of planning.
It will explain five different planning styles.
It will enable you to establish which planning style is best for the situation you need to plan for.
It will enable you understand how to use each planning style.
It will provide you with a ‘planning essentials’ checklist.
It will provide you with a strategy for building a basic plan through to a full, thorough and robust plan.
It will teach you how to periodically review your plan.
It will teach you how to form contingency plans.
Ultimately this pack will help you to develop comprehensive planning skills that can be used when organising any future situation or area of your life.
White Barn Therapy is not responsible for the effectiveness of the information contained within this work pack.
Each individual is ultimately responsible for their own outcomes however this pack is designed to assist your unique journey of change and growth.
These packs can be more effective if completed within sessions hosted by White Barn Therapy.
You accept that White Barn Therapy / Rebecca Hill can not be held liable for any detrimental consequences of you completing this pack as you are under no obligation to use or work through the activities in this booklet.