12 Month Life Review

12 Month Life Review

How do you really feel about the year that’s just been?

What were the highs and lows?

What would you like from the year ahead?

Is it time to look at life in a bit more detail?

If you want to explore your current life patterns, firstly carry out the exercise below:


  1. Take a fresh sheet of paper, or a new page in your ‘Notes App’ and list down each month of the year.
    You can do this at any time in the year, just start from the current month, and work backwards.
  2. Using your memory, diary/journal entries, or social media posts, think back to this time a year ago.
    (Personally, I found it really insightful to scroll through a year’s worth of social media, as there were things I had completely forgotten had happened.)
  3. Identify the key events of each month, and record them on your paper.
  4. On a second sheet of paper draw a 12 square grid.
  5. Label the 12 squares in accordance with the months of the year.
  6. Using the notes you made, make each box represent your experience of that month.
    You could use:
    Words / Drawings / Collage / Colours / Symbols

Secondly answer these reflective questions:

  1. Overall how would you sum up your year?
  2. Did you discover anything unexpected?
  3. What were your best months and why? Could you seek to recreate or incorporate some of this into your year ahead?
  4. What were your worst months and why? Could you seek to avoid or change this in the year ahead?
  5. What were your reoccurring themes and patterns?

Reflect on what you took from this exercise. 

What did it cause you to discover?
What will you do with what you uncovered?

Leave your comments below, or contact Rebecca if you would like to work one-to-one using creative therapy to better explore yourself, and your life.

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